Dark Symphonic Metal




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August 20, 2024 Jerry Zahija

A Tale of Love and Tragedy – The Origin of Tragédie D’amour

Dear readers,

I would like to start by welcoming you to our revamped website! Amongst the everflowing cacophony of album release preparations, we have been tinkering away at this little number, and are delighted to have finally revived our seemingly in-perpetual-purgatory webpage. However, that is not the reason for this blog post, so now that formalities are out of the way, let’s move on, shall we? As some of you may be aware, our new album, Tragédie D’amour releases this Friday, the 23rd of August, 2024, and as such, I wanted to take this opportunity to delve into the origins of our sophomore venture. In order to do this, allow me to take you back to the beginning…

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